Leftmost column is placed for logo and main menu. After that is an image column. Right side column is a 100% full-width content.
Right side can put many contents and it will scroll up / down. Left side is fixed. Parallax Image changes for different pages.
Quisque tincidunt, sem rutrum euismod ornare, tortor arcu tempus lorem, accumsan suscipit mauris lorem at lorem. Praesent feugiat mi at tortor tincidunt, ac consequat ante cursus.
Nghĩa Nguyễn is free responsive HTML CSS template by TemplateMo. You can feel free to adapt and apply this layout for your commercial or non-commercial websites.
You are not allowed to re-distribute this template as a ZIP file on any template collection website for the template download purpose. Please contact us for more information.
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If you want to support TemplateMo, you can contribute a small donation via PayPal. This will be very helpful. Thank you.
Aliquam ornare varius erat vel aliquet. Proin ac neque a tortor tristique semper eget eget sapien. Morbi vitae diam a odio lobortis mattis sed nec justo.
Suspendisse sagittis tortor vel turpis aliquet, vitae molestie erat luctus.
Duis fringilla eget purus luctus sodales. Sed auctor odio quis ligula dignissim efficitur vitae vitae quam.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
This is a carousel for a list of 10 team members. Each member image hover has 3 social icons.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
This is a carousel for a list of 10 team members. Each member image hover has 3 social icons.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
This is a carousel for a list of 10 team members. Each member image hover has 3 social icons.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.
Aliquam efficitur, velit ut aliquet molestie, nulla dolor faucibus neque, quis hendrerit.